June 11, 2020, 6:34am
We have one problem.
The last month, we have to export Inventory-sales list to excel.It is property working.
But this month, we have to excport inventory-sales list to excel again,there is not show Qty tab in excel.Please kindly tell me how to solve this problem.
June 11, 2020, 6:55am
Do the newly enhanced custom reports achieve what you are wanting?
Until I get the new implementation working property, there will be two custom report variations:
Major differences
I’m removing From field from custom reports. Custom reports will be centered around transactions. All data which is entered in Manager are transactions and if they are not transactions (e.g. customer record), they are connected to transactions. For example, if you need custom report which shows balances of customers, you are still building a report which summarizes trans…
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June 11, 2020, 12:06pm
You can only export what shows on the screen.
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Your situation maybe related to this topic: Inventory quantity sold by tracking code