I did exactly instructed on this page as sudo user.
But, it’s not working.
If anyone had successful installation, please share some ideas.
I did exactly instructed on this page as sudo user.
But, it’s not working.
If anyone had successful installation, please share some ideas.
I am using this for years. Make sure that you use a server edition of Ubuntu and a terminal connection. You also should give far more details about what you have been trying and on what hardware (needs 64-bit processor) and software (which Ubuntu server edition) and preferably the logfile which would trap all errors. I have been using Server Edition using these commands (also for updates) for many years and never had a problem.
So without more details you will not get much of a response, also because of the following see https://www.manager.io/server-edition
Can you help installing server edition?
We do not provide installation service. Server edition works as a custom web-server. If you do not have an experience with web-servers, please seek local IT specialist or sign up for cloud edition.
I followed 5 simple steps-
Then, on this terminal, I run the following commands all as sudo users.
Downloading Manager Server
Create folder for Manager Server
mkdir /usr/share/manager-server
Download the latest version of Manager Server.
wget https://github.com/Manager-io/Manager/releases/latest/download/ManagerServer-linux-x64.tar.gz -O /usr/share/manager-server/ManagerServer-linux-x64.tar.gz
Then untar downloaded ManagerServer-linux-x64.tar.gz using following command
tar xvzf /usr/share/manager-server/ManagerServer-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/share/manager-server
Install the systemd service unit configuration file:
printf "[Unit]\nAfter=network.target\n\n[Service]\nLimitNOFILE=1048576\nExecStart=/usr/share/manager-server/ManagerServer -port 8080\nRestart=on-failure\nStartLimitInterval=600\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/manager-server.service
Reload the systemd daemon:
systemctl daemon-reload
And finally start Manager Server:
systemctl start manager-server
Also have the Manager Server service start automatically on boot so you don’t have to start Manager Server manually:
systemctl enable manager-server
After that, when I am trying to open-
https://Public IPv4 address:8080
http://Public IPv4 address:8080
Nothing happens.
Do you have a background in networking and AWS? You need some basic knowledge to troubleshoot this.
I highly recommend against self-hosting a public facing accounting application if you don’t have cloud and networking experience.
Back in 2016-18 I used VPS, Docker for MANAGER SERVER.
Also used Caddy for HTTPS, setup custom domain.
Now, I am new to AWS.
Thanks for your advice, I will follow your suggestion.
make sure that port 8080 is open to be access from public