if we received Project from customer and give project to vendor than how can we get monthly reports of receivied and given Project. (B’coz we dont purchase and sales any inventory or non inventory items).
You give the project’s income & expenses a tracking code which is setup under Settings - Tracking code. Then you can produce a Profit & Loss report based on that tracking code.
But in GST India we will show a monthly sales (Project Received) and Purchase (Project Given) Report To Tax Authority. Than How can I do that.
Use the various tax reports. The government does not care what project the expenditures and receipts were for. They only care how much was paid. Project accounting is internal.
i am facing an another problem regarding Tax summary. i want to show separate column for CGST & SGST but there are single tax column as given below. please suggest me for that.
not possible at present.
this was already requested in another topic Monthly Reports for Filing Tax Returns
Your request is not clear. If you want a report for the CGST & SGST tax code, you must select it (and for the correct rate). Here is an example for a test company that has used two different rates:
If this is not what you mean, please provide further detail.
As other people requested earlier… multi-TAX will be display separately… in future…
Right now In India, CGST and SGST both are exactly half of the Total. So if the total TAX amount is 1000… then CGST = 500 and SGST = 500…
So for now you can calculate manually. its easy because its exactly Half of total.