General Ledger Transaction Report - Accountant Questions

I have some new information after speaking with my accountant and letting them take a look at Manager. The lack of a detailed general ledger with double entries and reference numbers does not meet the minimum accounting reporting requirements for Singapore. They specifically need a detailed general ledger with double entries and reference numbers as the minimum requirement. After looking through the Manager forum, it appears others need this report as well.

Since this information is readily available in Manager, how about:

  • Providing a snippet to create this information using custom reports, or
  • Let us export this information as a spreadsheet for any given date range?

@lubos was mentioning in the thread I linked to that Manager isn’t optimized to display the thousands or tens of thousands of lines that might be included in this report. I haven’t seen any export function however that enabled this, as was mentioned.

Since is accounting software it would make the app tremendously more robust if it could produce the detailed general ledger with double entries, either as an exportable spreadsheet or as a custom report. It seems to have been requested for various reasons before (regulatory compliance, backups, redundancy - a detailed general ledger with double entries contains everything needed to recreate a company’s books).

Since this information is technically already available in Manager, are there plans to make a detailed general ledger with double entries available as a report or exported data?

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