Formula tax implementation on product price


i am facing this issue… as my formula tax implementation on product price

A 6632 is product Base Price
B- 1326 20 % disscount on base price

C 5306 after discount Price
D + 1128 17 % tax base on Product Base Price like 6632/100*17%

E 6434 Net amount

Accourding to Manager

A 6632 is product Base Price
B- 1326 20 % disscount on base price

C 5306 after discount Price
D + 902 17 % tax base on Product Base Price like 5306 /100*17%

E 6208 Net amount

Tax is always calculated on the discounted price, not on the base price

The first calculation corresponds to a discount of 1,133 or 17% not 20%