Here above is a screen capture of the format issue after clicking “copy to clipboard “ and paste to a spreadsheet. You can see that there’s name and other Datas under the DATE column. We tried on various spreadsheets google MS and numbers, all have the same issue.
This is a function that we need to use daily in generating a custom summary table for our operations and it’s been in halt since Friday. We have been contacting and, the response is extremely slow for an urgent matter (for us) like this.
Really appreciated if someone can please help. We really need to get this resolved urgently. It’s been very frustrating the last 3 days as we need been do the summary table manually sort the entries with this copy to clipboard formatting issue and the custom field date format error.
Looking forward to your prompt response and thanks in advance. @Tut@lubos
We have another problem in the same functionality (Copy to Clipboard), Account receivable column appears as a hyperlink when doing Copy to Clipboard of Customers tab, see below screenshot:
Could you please provide more details so we can reproduce this error.
Please provide the following:
Version and Edition of Manager
Browser and operating system information
A screenshot from the source screen
Also, please note that Copy to clipboard uses tsv or tab separated values format. Please ensure that you’re not using any forbidden characters in your data such as Tab and/or Carriage Return followed immediately by Line Feed.