Feature for Sales Invoice

Dear lubs
Can we add this featuer in sales invoice our customers need the invoice including total value before discount and discount value and the net value

The information cannot be displayed as you request, because discounts are applied line item by line item. When the Discount column is activated on a sales invoice, the price before and after discount are displayed for each line item. In the example below, the discount is an exact amount. Percentages are also available:

Line item discounts are necessary because percentages could vary by item or be non-existent. A total discount like you show cannot be allocated for purposes such as calculating inventory item profit margins.

Would it not be possible to spread the discount over all the items, much in the same way ‘freight-in’ gets allocoted across the cost of goods when purchased?
That was how it worked when I was using Quickbooks.
Just a thought.

No, because as I said, discount percentage could vary by line.

The freight-in distribution is by value and is only suitable when that is the desired outcome. That would rarely occur with discounts.

Yet the ‘Early payment discount’ uses that method.
I think you’ll find that there are a lot of places in the real world that offer discounts on the total bill.
I know I do, but I put it on a separate line on the invoice/receipt and it goes into ‘Discount Given’ on my P&L.
If it varies by line then so be it, but equal distribution across all lines would be a nice option, just like early payment discounts are applied.

When the discount is a percentage, all line items are discounted by that same percentage. When a fixed-amount discount is involved, line items are discounted by proportionate amounts.

Early payment discounts are discounts against the sales invoice, not specific line items. Therefore, it is always appropriate to allocate the discount proportionately or as a fixed percentage, which amounts to the same thing. That is simply not true when unit prices are discounted. The situations are not analogous.

Well that contradicts the advice in the guides (as I quoted) and how it actually works.
Try it and you’ll see that once the credit note is applied it evenly distributes the discount automatically across the line items.

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@VACUUMDOG, your example clearly demonstrates the early payment discount is distributed proportionately, exactly as I described. It is not evenly distributed as you claimed.

Ok, so proportionately not evenly…
It also proves that your statement “Early payment discounts are discounts against the sales invoice, not specific line items” is wrong, but no doubt there will be an excuse/reason for that.
But, back to the original idea, I think it would be good to have the option to apply a discount to all items on the invoice/receipt at once instead of going through line by line when the discount is the same for all lines.

Yes, there is. Discounts on sales invoices are reductions of prices. Early payment discounts are reductions of receivables. The reason they are distributed to line items is that the implementation requires the use of credit notes, which are constructed using line items. Even if an inventory item has a unique discount rate, it shares proportionately in reduction of the receivable.

Dear tut I am understanding your opinion but i have another idea can we add copy to clipboard to the invoice till we can transfer to excel and make it manual

It is not clear what you mean or how it is related to this topic.

what i mean is if you add copy to clipboard feature to sales invoice i can make the discount in one line affected in profit and loss report then i will transfer to excel and re handling the invoice as what i need

i think many other users also need this feature. It will be nice to have both. line discount and invoice discount.

@taha1, you will definitely not make the first spreadhseet you showed in post #13 in Manager, because Manager does not work that way. I already explained this to you.

It is also not clear why you would want to recreate in a spreadsheet the invoice you already have in Manager. That seems like entirely wasted effort.

@shahabb, this was discussed extensively on the forum quite a long time ago before the current implementation was settled. I believe you should not hope for the feature you mention.

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Dear Mr. Tut, let us think about it. If it is easy to add this feature in terms of programming, I see that all the features of the manager are not used by all users. It may be a good feature for one user and not good for the other. If this feature is added, I think it will be useful to some. Only if it is programmatically possible

No, it is not easy to add, because totals of discounts is not how the program works. This has been explained to you already.

Ever since I joined Manager it was clear that a use-case for a feature should be made for it to be considered. Even if discussed before the reality is that it is pretty common across sectors to negotiate discounts on total bills and not only on items. As such this is a legitimate request with a potential pitfall that @Lubos can not programmatically achieve it. Indeed the program as is does not work (yet) like this but I also believe that as already done independently of any ideas that Manager application changes and this could be a change to consider.

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maybe I’m wrong but doesn’t look like it needs a major change in Manager because similar features are already there. for instance, freight-in. Basically, the same feature with negative sign.