If the transactions of the company have 3 different currencies, how can I set the exchange rate for these 3 currencies once every month ? If the base currency of the company is HKD, for example :
All transactions in Jan-17
USD 1–>HKD 0.129
CNY 1–>HKD 1.17
EUR 1–>HKD 8.8
All transactions in Feb-17
USD 1–>HKD 0.13
CNY 1–>HKD 1.12
EUR 1–>HKD 8.5
I know the settings should be the following screenshot, but how about the setting of the date of the following screenshot ?
I just want to set the exchange rate for the currencies monthly.
Manager will not support automatic exchange rate fetching. However it will have Batch create and Batch update function which will allow to feed data from spreadsheet. And spreadsheet could be available somewhere online so it doesn’t have to be prepared manually.