Error when Manager is being used and automatically backed up

@Roeland have a look at the latest version (18.4.30) to see whether Manager still chokes on ReadOnly error. The timeout is implemented slightly differently now.

Sorry I am confusing you. My point is not what Sql Server does. My point is that backup programs can backup the file regardless of whether the file is in use or not as most backup programs have an option to backup locked files.

I downloaded and installed version 18.4.30, but no improvement: still SQLite.SQLiteException: ReadOnly.
I was thinking: when I place the Manager file on my local disk, and Memeo backs it up, there is no problem. Memeo is a back-up program that constantly monitors whether a file is changed, and if so, then backs it up to a preferred place (in my case a NAS). But apparently Memeo does not do this immediately, but after a short instance, so everything works fine.
The problem arises when the Manager file is placed on a Cloud service, like Dropbox or OneDrive. It takes some time for the Cloud service to save the local file in the cloud, depending on size of the file and speed of the internet connection, but then Memeo wants to backup the file.
So the issue should be solved by the Cloud service; it should also use a kind of time-out before copying the file from the local HD to the Cloud. I a not aware of a configuration option that I can pick a time-out period, so I cannot change this.

Yes and so is Dropbox “a back-up program that constantly monitors whether a file is changed”
So you have a conflict between backup services, this is similar to people running two anti-virus programmes.
Dropbox & Memeo are competing to do the exact same thing and at times they clash in timing activity.

Unsure how Manager can do anything when you have a backup service backing up a backup service, a timeout just defers access to the data file, it doesn’t organise priority between those competing backup services.

Use Dropbox or Memeo to backup what’s in Dropbox. Otherwise you are going to have issues with restoring etc. Backup data outside Dropbox using Memeo and use Dropbox to backup stuff inside Dropbox.

Yes, I think that’s the way I will do it, so I will exclude Manager files from being back-upped by Memeo.