Error message when creating backup

When I want to backup this business, I get this error message. With other businesses I don’t have this problem. Any idea what goes wrong? I’m running version 21.4.56 on Windows 10

It show a disk I/O error. This is usually a hardware problem, for example an external drive. Try another disk to back-up to and see if eror persists.

Manager shows this message before asking where to store the backup, so I can’t try another disk.
My standard backup-disk is an internal harddrive D:It is just this business where Manager shows this message. As said no problem with other busninesses.

Go to your application data directory and manually copy the business file

Thanks for this workaround, but that is not the proper solution.

Take the ampersand (&) out of the business name. Documentation varies about whether ampersands are allowable, especially in Windows, but many discussion forum posts and guidelines suggest they are not.

You would think there would be a straightforward answer to this question, but there does not seem to be.

I took the ampersand out of the business name and tried to create a backup. Unfortunately I still get this message.

Hi guys,
I just discovered something very funny/weird. Beside the fact that I get an error message when creating a backup there is another phenomenon: When I click on the History button, nothing happens. that is very strange because this business is in use for more than 5 years now. Can @Lubos solve this by checking my business file? None of these problems with other business on my laptop.