Erroneous Tax payable account appears when tax codes are present

Server version - I notice the CoA on all hosted entities has two “Tax payable accounts” in the Chart of Accounts after updating to 21.5.37

The new “Tax Payable” entry has no data in it and cannot be deleted. Ver 21.5.45 is the same.

Tax Payable

Is this by design or something broken?

This is a bug, probably because of the something regressive going back to the days of the built-in tax liability account named Tax payable. It seems to appear in any business that has tax codes, though not in ones that do not.

Should be fixed in the latest version (21.6.9)

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Hi Lubos, I’m running version 21.7.49 and this Tax Payable has still not gone from the summary screen

It is sitting in the chart of accounts under liabilities and unable to be removed but can be renamed

I have GST payable also sitting in liabilities in chart of accounts which was allocated with a code about 7 years ago

Is there anyway to remove this from the chart of accounts

@hamickle this account will be visible if you have any tax code using it. Review your tax codes.

Hi Lubos

I have no tax code using it and it has a zero amount with no assigned transaction. I only have transactions in GST 10% ( which feeds into GST Payable), GST Free, Input Taxed

Do not just look at or think about transactions. Look at your tax code definitions themselves in Settings. If you did not designate a different tax liability account, your tax codes could be assigned to Tax payable by default.

Hi Lubos, got it! It was the GST 10% CAPEX code which I never use which was not assigned

Thanks for your help


You can delete tax codes you are not using at all.