Entering separate freight-in invoices - Transaction dates have no impact

Reading this guide “Entering separate freight-in invoices” ends with these two paragraphs.

“For these situations, use the manual allocation method, choosing the inventory item but leaving Qty blank. You do not need to consolidate these separate charges on the same transaction form as the inventory item purchase. Average inventory item costs will still be calculated correctly.”

“Nor do you need to list the same date on forms for the purchase and freight-in. Transaction dates have no impact on average cost.

Does this mean that when I enter a purchase invoice with freight-in in the year 2017, the average cost of the inventory-item can be altered?
As the [Inventory on hand] in the Balance Sheet is calculated by [Qty Owned] * [Average cost] it will affect the P&L figure.

Does that mean the P&L for 2016 will alter because of the purchase invoice I entered in 2017.

Or in other words, as Manager is an ongoing accounting program, what is the best way to make information static as Tax people may want info from years ago. It would be odd if I would show them different BS and P&L figures.
Is making back-ups a solid solution?

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My test shows that a purchase invoice for freight changes the average price of an item for dates after the date of the purchase invoice. Average price for dates before the new purchase invoice are not affected.

No. Past P&L and BS use the correct average cost for the reporting period.

Unless you date transactions in past reporting periods your records are correct. Changing the average cost of an item in this reporting period does not change the average cost in a previous reporting period.

We need some clarification for that sentence.

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That statement is, I agree, poorly worded. I have edited the guide.

Thank you all for your swift reaction!