Employee name

I could not select emplolyee in the payee box. Why?

You need to furnish more information. First, did you create the employee in the Employees tab? Second, what Payee box are you referring to? If you are referring to entering a payment transaction for paying an employee, the Payee field is not linked to employees, suppliers, or anything else.

Yes, I am referring to the payee box when making payment. but suppliers are linked there.
If employees are not linked how do make a payment to the employee. Like a salary advance.

Suppliers are not actually “linked.” They may be remembered as prior entries, just as might someone you have made a payment to who is not a supplier. This is part of the autofill function. Suppliers may also appear when New Payment is clicked while viewing a purchase invoice. But, in that case, the name is being carried over from the purchase invoice; it is still not “linked” as a payee.

Once you have made a payment to an employee, that employee’s name will also come up as part of autofill. Simply start typing the name.

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But then its not linked to Employees.

That is correct, as I already told you in my first response.

Okay. I am asking how can I link payments to Employees?

To make a payment to an employee
Select New Payment
In the account field, select Employee Clearing Account and then the Employee

Read this Guide: Pay employees | Manager.