Email Sending Broken in

Hi @eko Yes we are aware that Mailjet uses SMTP it has been working for the past 3 years with

Latest update breaks TLS / SSL with it that’s the point. As I said earlier if I had the options to disable auth, set other port numbers and even disable TLS / SSL. I would “Dump Mailjet”

Pointing me to a document that describes how to setup SMTP with Mailjet is pointless in this instance as we have been using it for 3 years, using Port 587 TLS / SSL. Now the latest update breaks it.

Seems to be common with this software even when you pay for it that when updates occur there are regressions that dont get resolved / tested or thrown in the too hard pile.

If I were to have a guess, this would have had it’s regression in

I also see port 26 being mentioned there, we use that Internally for Non TLS / Non SSL SMTP Services, it’s easier with postfix to use a seperate port to allow relay on. I see Tut’s comment it’s never been recognised as a port, perhaps not, but giving people the option for the following would massively reduce these complaints.

I suggest the following changes:

  • Allow people to edit port number, dont lock it.
  • Allow people to select either TLS / SSL or Non Encrypted
  • Ability to also check “Ignore Certificate Errors / Validation” also that actually works.

If you now have the correct libraries in the software to deal with SSL / TLS and Non Encrypted then I CANNOT see a single issue with these MINOR changes.

In the end I would rather more configurable options in the SMTP settings so I can point it at our own servers, with No Authentication (Using Relay IP) and also the ability to set a Non Standard Port.

I mean heck I know people have been moaning about Multifactor also and I have been too.
In this day and age, username and passwords just DO NOT CUT IT.
To even get some form of modern authentication, i’ve had to use a NGinX Reverse proxy and Authentik to be able to get any form of simplistic 2 factor working to protect the instance. Perhaps SAML coupled with oAuth might be a good idea to implement.