E-invoice issue

before we could make e-invoice with any date we want and it effects to the qr code… now if i did e-invoice in a day ago it apears in qr code now
Saudi Arabia

@mortada_ahmed, you did not even tell us what country you are in.

@Tut Saudi Arabia

Maybe you accidentally updated the invoice,
I saw the date the QRcode was taken from the Timestamp.
And the timestamp seems to change according to the last time the invoice was updated.

how i can remove this time stamp

If we remove the Timestamp, the date on Qrcode will be the date when the Invoice was opened. The best way, never update the invoice.

i understand you but if i need to make invoice in a month ago how we can do it

It seems like a lot of questions are related to this.
Maybe this method could be a solution.
Create a new Footer - Sales invoice. Give it a name, and Paste the following Script

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    var buffer = '';

    function appendTLV(tag, text) {
        buffer += String.fromCharCode(tag);
        buffer += String.fromCharCode(text.length);
        buffer += text;

    var businessName = 'No name';
    var businessNameElement = document.getElementById('BusinessName');
    if (businessNameElement != null) businessName = unescape(encodeURIComponent(businessNameElement.innerText));

    var vatNumber = '0000000000000';
    var vatNumberElement = document.getElementById('d96d97e8-c857-42c6-8360-443c06a13de9');
    if (vatNumberElement != null) vatNumber = unescape(encodeURIComponent(vatNumberElement.innerText));

    var timestamp = ''; 
    var timestampElement = document.getElementById("InvoiceDate");
    var dateString = (timestampElement && timestampElement.innerText.trim()) || '';

    if (dateString !== '') {
        // Parse the date string "dd/MM/yyyy"
        var [day, month, year] = dateString.split('/');
        // Construct the custom date string in "yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00.000Z" format
        timestamp = `${year}-${month}-${day}T00:00:00.000Z`;

    var total = 0;
    var totalElement = document.getElementById('Total');
    if (totalElement != null) total = parseFloat(totalElement.getAttribute('data-value'));

    var vat = 0;
    var taxAmounts = document.getElementsByClassName('taxAmount');
    for (var i = 0; i < taxAmounts.length; i++) {
        vat += parseFloat(taxAmounts[i].getAttribute('data-value'));

    appendTLV('1', businessName);
    appendTLV('2', vatNumber);
    appendTLV('3', timestamp); // Use the custom timestamp string
    appendTLV('4', total.toFixed(2));
    appendTLV('5', vat.toFixed(2));

    var mainTable = document.querySelector('#printable-content > table');
    if (mainTable) {
        var newRow = mainTable.insertRow();
        var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
        newCell.colSpan = 99;
        newCell.innerHTML += '<div id="myqrcode" style="padding: 20px"></div>';

    new QRCode(document.getElementById("myqrcode"), {
        text: btoa(buffer),
        width: 128,
        height: 128,
        colorDark: "#000000",
        colorLight: "#ffffff",
        correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.L

    var qrcodeDiv = document.getElementById('qrcode');
    if (qrcodeDiv) {

Make sure the date format you use in the Application Manager matches the date format in the Script. you can customize this part

if (dateString !== '') {
         // Parse the date string "dd/MM/yyyy"
         var [day, month, year] = dateString.split('/');
         // Construct the custom date string in "yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00.000Z" format
         timestamp = `${year}-${month}-${day}T00:00:00.000Z`;

Save the Footer, and add this Footer to your Invoice.

The generated qrcode should use the Invoice date. but with Time T00:00:00.000Z.