Downgrading from trial server to Desktop!

Well using this handy software for couple of months for my rice mill on my macbook…couple of days ago i upgraded to trial version of server edition but had to abort it for not being so technical in web servers and stuff…my desktop version started coming up with exceptions probably with warnings for upgrade…i took backup and deleted everything and upgraded to latest desktop version but weird things started to happen…data from imported backup file seems to be of earlier dates with incorrect readings…even customize section doesn’t have bank option…when i tried same backup file on my windows machine with earlier desktop version 16.2.47…everything worked fine…please help me out how to restore my backup with latest version 16.9.78 on my mac??

First, you should never open a Manager accounting file that has been used by a newer version with an older version of the program. All new program versions can access and update as necessary older data files, but not the other way around. So be careful what you do. Not every update, but some necessarily modify the data structure. You can end up with very serious problems.

The separate Cash Accounts and Bank Accounts tabs were consolidated many months ago. All are now under Cash Accounts. But former bank accounts should be available in the Cash Accounts tab.

Read the guide about updating on Mac:

Once you’ve installed the update, import using the the last “good” backup file. That means one that has not been opened and closed by various versions of the program on miscellaneous platforms. Based on your bank account issue, you had quite an old version, so you will not have date codes in the file names of your backups. You’ll have to use Get Info to see when they were created.

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