How to get reports by divisions, inventory reports, expenses, assets etc.
When you create a report, select the division.
Thank you, Tony, is there any guidelines regarding this? Because if you go to reports section there is only one report called “Division exception report” which doesn’t suit what i need.
Hello @fredydnl11
When You Create Balance Sheet Or P&L Then Select Division on the edit Screen of The Reports.
Thank you, but i can only access the division option report on Profit & Loss, and Balance sheet, if you create report on Sales invoice, Fixed Assets summary and Inventory, there is no option for Division, kindly see the attached inventory snapshot below.
@fredydnl11, searches of the forum and past issues of the newsletter both reveal that divisional reporting is being instituted in stages for all contexts where they would make sense. In addition to the Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet reports you mentioned, divisional reporting is currently available for:
- Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)
- Tax Summary
- Aged Receivables
- Customer Summary
- Aged Payables
- Supplier Summary
Thanks a lot.