We use divisions to track labour carried out by individual employees. We started this before they were renamed from tracking codes. I created non-inventory items for the labour for each employee, assigning the relevant division (or tracking code as they were then) to each. Then at the end of every month I could create a profit and loss statement for the month with columns for each division / employee:
This worked fine until sometime around the 9th of July this year when the sales figures stopped appearing in the reports. I’ve only just looked into this now, and I think the problem probably has something to do with changes to the non-inventory item form:
As in the image above, all definitions still have the relevant division selected from the dropdown menu near the top. However, I see there is also a check box for Autofill — Sales — Division. This is not checked, and I suspect this is where the problem is. It’s easy enough for me to change here, but the process of batch updating hundreds of sales invoices for the last few months with divisions on specific lines (in some cases multiple divisions per invoice) is quite involved.
So, I have a few questions:
Is there an easier way to retrospectively apply a division to the relevant non-inventory items already in sales invoices?
What is the purpose of the Division field in the non-inventory item form if that division is not automatically applied to that item on transactions like sales invoices?
Is there a better method for tracking individual employee labour? Perhaps a custom report tracking the sale of the non-inventory items?
The guide for non-inventory items needs to be updated to reflect the changes to the form. Currently it includes the following line, which I don’t think is true based on my observations above: “The assigned division will be automatically populated on any transaction form where allowed.”
Sure. Our employees earn a fixed monthly salary, plus a performance incentive based on their labour for the month. So, we need a way to track the labour from each employee that we’ve billed to customers. I set this up as described above by using non-inventory items for each employee’s labour with a tracking code assigned to each one. This makes it easy to generate reports based on the tracking code (now division). When tracking codes were changed to divisions I wondered if their implementation would change, but so far they have continued to work well for us in this use case, so I have seen no reason to stop using them.
The field Autofill — Sales — Division works on Sales Invoices and Credit Notes.
The field Division doesn’t seem to affect either sales or purchases at all.
Also, it appears that we have lost the ability to assign divisions for purchases of non-inventory items which I am not sure if it’s by design.
The good news is that you can switch from using the Division field to Autofill — Sales — Division field and continue your process as usual, however I am still classifying this in bugs.
I have managed to batch update the several hundred sales invoices from the last few months that didn’t have the divisions applied because of this change. It took me a while to figure out how to do it, but it’s done now and I’ve edited the definitions for the non-inventory items to apply the corresponding division through the Autofill — Sales — Division option, so they should be applied to future sales invoices.
Actually Division field does not make sense in Non-inventory item context.
In the latest version (22.10.31), there is just Autofill - Division field to serve the purpose of automatically selecting division on line items upon non-inventory item selection.