Different number of the same criteria in reports

|For the period from 01/04/2022 to 30/04/2022|

  1. Profit and Loss Statement:

    which represent the value of inventory write-off

  2. Inventory Value Summary

One is 728…, another is 760…

Can you please tell me the difference of numbers. Thank you.

No one can help you with such limited information. Small bits of reports are useless for troubleshooting. You need to show the Edit screens for the reports.

I also suspect you are using the program incorrectly. Inventory write-offs should be rare. But you are entering many in a day. That suggests you are using inventory write-offs to accomplish something for which there are other, built-in features.

Here is the edit screen:

Yes, we use inventory write-off instead of sales invoices due to our limitation.

What limitation?

We use two system to record number.
One for sales invoice, then we pick the total money sales to manager.
So we use inventory write-off to track stock.

You should not use inventory write-off for that. If you for example use a POS then your detailed inventory management is done with the POS both on adding and taking away from inventory. You only need to record totals from POS and expend them against the POS total income.

Because we create purchase invoice for many customers with different sales price.
But the inventory just need amount.

  • Sales invoice for customer A: 1.000.000VNĐ (bought inventory D,E,F)
  • Sales invoice for customer B: 1.500.000VNĐ (bought inventory D,G,H)

We write-off one for inventory D,E,F,G,H with total amounts sold.

Please first note what a write-off is in accounting see for example Write-Offs: Understanding Different Types To Save on Taxes.

This shows that as @Tut already indicated:

You can not do that in Manager. Manager assumes all stock items are identical and interchangeable.
You are using the wrong program to accomplish what you want to do.


  • Use Manager as it is designed to be used (invoices & stock +/- location, delivery notes).

  • Use other software (eg your POS system) to achieve the transaction & stock details and upload only daily totals to your accounting software (Manager).

When it works correctly, why do I shouldnot use it?
Everything needs user discovery to complete more. Why do you want us just use it as you want?

Because it does not work. Your post is proof of that. Functions built into the program work as they are designed to work, not how you want them to work.

I think we should investigate the case a bit further because while it’s true that @huyen maybe using write-offs creatively, but I can’t see how this should introduce differences in inventory value. That shouldn’t be the case anyway.


  1. what’s this account in English: “Gia von hang ban”?

  2. how did you setup your inventory items, do they all go to this Gia von hang ban?

  3. did you reconcile this account to the report? I mean narrow down the difference to a single period or a single item? This would help greatly in investigating this difference.

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Have you tried to uncheck the box that says Exclude inventory with no movement, in the inventory value summary report? This may or may not change anything.

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