Depreciation redirect to Summary Page Bug

I was just creating a few depreciation entries & noticed that when creating an entry from cloning another one, when I click “create” it redirects to the “summary page” (i.e. the page that shows the SoFP & P&L).
It appears to work fine when creating a new depreciation entry from scratch - once the “create” button has been hit it takes you to the “view” page of the entry.
I think similar bugs are lurking around when deleting a depreciation entry too.

As a work around I have just been going back a page in the browser once it redirects me to the summary page, which kind of acts similar to the clone feature, and is do-able, but would appreciate it getting looked into.
Version: 20.10.74, Server Edition

You might like to update

You are a few hundred versions behind

:smiley: good point