Date mm/dd/yyyy mix-up with dd/mm/yyyy sales invoice

BUG report for Manager v21.4.47 on macOS Catalina desktop and on Ubuntu 20.04 server

Issue: Dates get mixed up, ie the date set in settings is dd/mm/yyyy but when adding receipt lines from sales invoice the first line is correct, ie dd/mm/yyyy but adding a new line and clicking on the dropdown box (see screenshot below) puts the date to mm/dd/yyyy which is incorrect.

Screenshot from screen: Sales Invoices 28/04/2021 —> ViewReceipt —> ViewReceipt —>Edit

Dropdown shows wrongly the 04/28/2021 date and when selected it accepts this date format, see screenshot below:

This should not be possible as in → Settings → Date & Number Format the date is set to dd/mm/yyyy
Hope this gets resolved thank you.

The same bug also shows in Purchase Invoices (Manager v21455 Ubuntu Server and macOS Catalina):

Purchase Invoices ->#CC0046 — 14/04/2021 —> View Payment —> Edit

Screenshot 2021-04-29 at 08.21.30

Same is happening with batch update in Sales Quotes (I have noticed it for month October)
Version 21.4.55, Manager Server, Windows 10

BUG persists in Manager 21.4.81 Server (Ubuntu 20.04) and macOS Desktop Catalina (Do not have Windows).

Bug also persists in Windows10.
Good to see it is considered a bug now!

Fixed in the latest version (21.4.84)

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Thank you!

Top! Thanks!