Data is neither text nor number

Direct Copy from a web page and paste into a spreadsheet is the least likely method of retaining the original applications data type and structure.

Or manipulate the imported text string in Libreoffice calc to extract the information you want, using functions such as value() referenced by @Ealfardan

Format the cells to numbers as required and then delete the ‘invisible’ characters at the front of each of the individual numbers. There may be two or three of them.

It does work with the copy and paste method in excel anyway.

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You could try this solution I’ve used for a long time now. Sorry I’ve just entered the discussion. I agree you may have a different problem.

numbers recognized as text 3.pdf (45.0 KB)


Sir, In my case the number is a text with some hidden characters , I have solved the Problem using =Right(XX) command to get the TEXT from string and then convert it to number by multiplying with 1.