Customise Settings on 15.2.3 Greyed Out


I’ve just downloaded and installed the version above but when I went to look at the Customise menu to see what options were new (if any) I found that many of the check boxes were already greyed out and there were a limited number of items I could select. Also, the tabs on the left hand side were all greyed out and I had to use the “back” button to reactivate them. Please could anyone update me on why this should be so and what I need to do to solve this if it is an issue. Many thanks.

check boxes are greyed out if you are using that option and you have added data. For example, say you selected Customers. Then you added a customer in the customers tab. You won’t be able to delete the option customers until you have deleted all your customers in the customers tab. This is why certain options are greyed - to prevent you from deleting it by mistake as you have data.

The tabs are all greyed out when you are in the customise settings by default. Simply use the back button to get back to the main program. The developer probably set it that way to indicate that you are customising the program, rather being in the program. It’s always been that way.

Hope that helps explain what is going on.

There are also some tabs enabled by default, such as Settings. You can’t disable them.

Thank you both for your replies, its much appreciated. All clear now!