Customer Portal Features Features for Production use

There is already a list of Customer Portal Features (which I tabulated for everyone) - Customer portal - #94 by dalacor

I appreciate that it will be a while before many of those features are implemented as the list is quite comprehensive.

I would however request that the following features be implemented to make the Customer Portal ready for production use as it currently I am not using it because it lacks necessary for production use.

  1. I have just reported a print to pdf bug a couple of minutes ago.
  2. Require a customer login to view the relevant customer portal.
  3. Enable clients to approve a quote and/or upload a purchase order. There needs to be notification or better yet pending approval for Manager admins to approve customer requests.

That would be the bare minimum. However, it would be great if the portal could also email customers to remind that quote approvals and invoices are overdue! This would be highly useful.

The rest of the features listed in the link above are nice to have features, but the 3 listed options are essential for production use if the portal is going to be of any use to customers.

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