Invoice to show "VAT INVOICE"

Dear Manager users and team, Actually i have been using Manager formy business for past 3 years and suddenly The invoice Header was change to TAX INVOICE, and in my country it should state ( VAT INVOICE ). can someone please help me to change it.


Manager substitutes Tax Invoice as the title of a sales invoice, in place of simply Invoice, when specific built-in tax codes are used for countries where it is known that regulations require that. When most built-in tax codes or custom tax codes are used, that substitution does not occur.

So the questions to you are:

  1. What country are you in?
  2. What tax codes are you using?
  3. If your country requires a sales invoice to be headed as VAT Invoice, can you provide a link to the legal requirement? (The software will not be changed without appropriate documentation of the need.)

Meanwhile, if you personally want to change the title of a form, you can change it to anything you want, whether a legal requirement exists or not. See this Guide:

Dear TUT,

Please find below response to your questions.

  1. What country are you in? ( MAURITIUS)
  2. What tax codes are you using? ( VAT 15%)
  3. If your country requires a sales invoice to be headed as VAT Invoice, can you provide a link to the legal requirement? (The software will not be changed without appropriate documentation of the need.)


Manager’s built-in Mauritius VAT - 15% tax code causes invoice titles to be changed to Tax Invoice. The link you furnished does not provide any guidance suggesting the title should be VAT Invoice. So I repeat my third question: If Mauritius requires a sales invoice to be titled as VAT Invoice, can you provide a link to the legal requirement? My search of MRA’s web site turned up no such requirement.

Dear TUT,
Please find the VAT ACT where it is clearly stated on section 20 that it is complusory to put VAT Invoice on the invoice. Same can be see on MRA.MU website.
The Value added Tax Act.
Thanks to revert back urgently.
We are facing problem to send invoices to customers.

You have two options in the short term:

  1. Include a statement in the Notes field, such as “This is a VAT INVOICE as defined by Section 20 of the The VAT Act.” The act itself does not say the sales invoice must be titled VAT Invoice, only that the words “VAT INVOICE” must appear in a prominent place.

  2. Make the title substitution via a custom theme as described in the Guide I linked to previously. Because using the Mauritius - VAT 15% tax code already substitutes Tax Invoice, the substitution of code you should make is {{title | replace: "Tax Invoice", "VAT Invoice"}} in place of {{title}}. The result will look like this:

Note that I did not render Invoice in all capitals. If you want that word in all capitals to match the literal text of the MRA regulation, capitalize it in the code.

I cannot say whether @lubos will make a change to the software when using the Mauritius tax code. I do not know how the substitution is implemented or, therefore, whether it is possible to substitute different titles for different tax codes, or whether all substitutions must use the Tax Invoice title. Regardless, you can immediately accomplish what you need and send your invoices.