Custom Reports - inventory items not linked to sale invoice transactions

while the inventory items’ HSN code shows up if the tax amount is more than zero,
but if it is kept at less than zero- (i need only sales invoices)- it doesn’t show.

here is the report when tax amount is kept at “not zero”

It is not clear what you are asking.

I want a report that shows me HSN inventory details for sales invoices. As you can see in the third screenshot,
Details dont show up for all the items.
It is only being shown for purchase transactions.
Hope you could understand.

This is not enough information to tell if anything is wrong. You need to provide:

  • The entire custom report Edit screen, not just part of it.
  • The Edit screen for a sales transaction that is not displaying what you think it should.
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Without having modeled this, I offer the following observations:

  1. You defined your HSN/SAC custom field as an inventory item custom field, not a sales invoice line item custom field. This may be why the HSN/SAC field on the sales invoice is blank. As a result of that, there is no content to show from general ledger transactions.

  2. Inventory Item | Tax Code | Name is not part of the general ledger transaction either. It is used to set the Tax Code | Name variable. Only the second one should be expected to show, and it does. Your report definition was asking for redundant content anyway. You should probably just eliminate that first column.

  3. The sales invoice line item Description is not exposed. The variable you selected is relevant to reports on inventory items, not sales invoice line items.

Remember, custom reports are still a work in progress.

  1. the sales invoice line item custom field is not currently in use, and i use the Inventory Item Custom Field.

  2. i removed Inventory Item | Tax Code | Name

  3. i removed Inventory Item | Description

only transactions which are purchases are getting mapped with inventory items.
sale transactions are somehow not mapped with the respective items.
maybe @lubos can shed light on this?

This was exactly my first point. I see no reason a custom field that comes from the inventory item would appear in a report drawn from general ledger transactions, especially when such a field is blank on the sales invoice.

Before you say, “Yes, but it shows for purchase invoices,” show the same screens for a purchase invoice. You may have defined them differently. So there may be content to show.

here is a purchase

What puzzles me is the fact that anything shows for HSN/SAC for either sales or purchase invoices, because that field is blank on all your line items. For curiosity’s sake, can you show the View screen for either the sales or purchase invoice you already showed the Edit screen for?

Also, if this is related to the sign of numbers, it might reverse if you substitute Amount (sign reversed) for Amount in your list of selection criteria. If so, that will definitely point to the cause.

i have used the inventory custom field. so that shows up.

the purchase invoice line item was set to show in printed docs.
but sale invoice line item was not set to show in printed docs.

but that doesnt cause any difference , i tried it out on a demo business without the sale invoce, purchase invoice line items, and it has the same consequence.

So it looks like themes will pick up inventory item custom fields, at least when the Indian tax scheme is implemented. (This works somewhat differently than for other tax codes, I know.) But custom reports apparently will not. Now I’m curious about two more things:

  1. Can you confirm that setting the custom field to show on printed documents has no effect? Your wording was a little bit unclear.

  2. If not, what happens if you manually fill in the HSN/SAC field on a sales invoice?

And I still have the question about substituting Amount (sign reversed).

  1. here is a demo report from a demo business
    which has just the inventory item custom field. (no other custom fields except sales invoice notes have been defined)

  1. NA

  2. using tax amount sign reversed there is the same problem. only that i have to change the criteria.

Well, thanks for trying all those things. I can’t put this into the bugs category because @lubos has said he is still working on custom reports. And the program does nothing wrong; it just doesn’t yet do what you want. But he will see this forum thread. It sounds like your workaround for now is to use the “amount not zero” criterion. Your report will have information you don’t need, but apparently includes what you do need.

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not really. it does not include the HSN CODE, UNIT NAME s… those are the things i require, i already filed last quarter’s GSTR1 return, so there is no immediate need, but i would appreciate if it gets done soon.

hey @lubos any idea what may be causing this?