Custom font in theme 'crashes' in PDF

I added the following code to a custom theme because I want a custom font in my pdf files, generated via the pdf button:

<table style="padding: 90px; font-family: HelveticaLTStd-Roman">

Filename is HelveticaLTStd-Roman.otf.
When I go to the Quotes and press the PDF button, I am redirected to the Businesses selection page. No pdf is generated. Generating a pdf via the printer button (macOS) works fine and shows the custom font.

If I remove the font-family tag, everything works as normal.
When I try several other font types, I’ve got the same result. No difference between otf and ttf font types.
Also in the almost empty test business.
I’ve created a fresh custom theme based on the plain theme. Same result, no pdf.

What am I doing wrong? Or is it a bug?

What if you change HelveticaLTStd-Roman to something more generic such as Arial ? Do you get PDF generated?

No quite sure why you don’t see at least some error message of some kind, I will need to make my own experiments.

I’ve changed it to in the copy of the plain theme. It was thinking a bit longer about generating the pdf and then back to the Businesses selection screen. That was in my desktop version. Then I opened a new window in my Chromium browser, pushed the button again, progress bar appearing again under the PDF button. Nothing happend and I stayed in the Invoice/Quotes screen. However the browser console reported the following error:

sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:322 POST 500 (Internal Server Error)
getPdf @ sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:322
onclick @ sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:18
sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:315 [Deprecation] Resource requests whose URLs contained both removed whitespace (`\n`, `\r`, `\t`) characters and less-than characters (`<`) are blocked. Please remove newlines and encode less-than characters from places like element attribute values in order to load these resources. See for more details.
xhr.onload @ sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:315
load (async)
getPdf @ sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:312
onclick @ sales-quote-view?Key=c39ea99a-d290-4b8a-b042-3d1c6de96ba6&Position=1&MaxPosition=179&FileID=SW50b1RoZU1pcnJvcg&Referrer=L3NhbGVzLXF1b3Rlcz9Ta2lwPTAmVGFrZT01MCZGaWxlSUQ9U1c1MGIxUm9aVTFwY25KdmNn:18

OK, well… there is an error somewhere. I just need to make it so the error is exposed to user so we know what’s up.