Dear Team members
I have been seaching the forum for a period of time i and i can not find the answer
Custom Fiels;
I am creating a custom field and attach it to ( as example) a Customer and Sales invoice
for the the use of a VAT number.
I was hopeing that if i enter the data at Customer for the Custom Field ( VAT number) it would go to the Sales invoice wich has also a custom field called VAT
The same for a custom field ( example starting date of a project) i would like if it would go from quotation into order in to invoice
is the transfer of date at Custom Field from one document to the other document possible?
If you use “Classic Custom Fields” and create custom field for Customer, and select the tick boxes shown below it will appear on all the customer documents.
Like this:
The only drawback is that Classic Custom Fields are to become obsolete, so it is hoped that this functionality will be added to the new type of Custom Fields.
Your idea is a solution for the vat number of a client
I was hoping on a approach to only enter data once
For customers you have (additional) data you would like to use such as contact person and vat number and if the info is know at the data field at customer it could be used in all the ducuments to the customer
Same for payslip and the personal bank account and social security number
If the data of custom field would be copied into the next document it would safe for possible errors etc
But anyway thanks for the idea