Create Batch Invoices - working example

Hi - thanks for providing an awesome accounting package. We are moving off Reckon and would like to provide some customer and invoice history. I know, that this is not absolutely necessary but I’ve been able to succesfully create all our inventory items and customers using the “Batch Create” facility. I think it works perfectly in those scenarios for TSV files.

I’m now looking at “Sales Invoices” which has a similar “Create Batch” button, so I’ve thought that it is supported? Even though some posts indicate it is not? (why have the button there?). Anyway the “Copy to Clipboard” works and outputs the following and i’ve input as many fields as possible:

IssueDate Reference Customer BillingAddress Lines.Description Lines.Account Lines.TaxCode Lines.Qty Lines.Item Lines.Amount Lines.Debit Lines.Credit Lines.Discount Lines.TrackingCode Lines.ProposedAccountAmount Lines.CustomFields Lines.DiscountAmount Lines.MemberAccount Lines.BillableExpenseCustomer Lines.Disbursement Lines.Invoice DueDate AmountsIncludeTax PurchaseOrderNumber InvoiceSummary SalesQuoteNumber ConversionBalance RoundingMethod DueDateType DueDateDays LatePaymentFeesPercentage TdsRate WithholdingTaxType WithholdingTaxAmount WithholdingTax Rounding InventoryLocation Discount DiscountType CustomTheme Theme EarlyPaymentDiscount EarlyPaymentDiscountType EarlyPaymentDiscountRate EarlyPaymentDiscountAmount EarlyPaymentDiscountDays DocumentHeader LatePaymentFees HasCustomTitle AutomaticReference TotalAmountInWords HideDueDate

I’ve been able to import about 7K invoices in - however, all the customers are “Suspense” and the items are null but the descriptions and references are fine. I’ve tried many variations but I can’t get the customer/inventory in properly even though they are all there. Is there a chance you have a working “basic” example that I could try? Should I even bother - does this work at all?

Many thanks for your help. BTW if this does work it would be an incredibly easy way to get all the invoice history in - making conversion simple from Quickbooks and MYOB.

I’m not aware of a working basic example.
Importing from other accounting packages is always program and the details setup specific.

If you have the time to document what worked, I’m sure others doing a similar migration would be appreciated your efforts.

Thanks Patch, here is a working example - invoice comes in with correct refnumber however the account and customer are missing (Suspense) even though they are pre-created and there. Also the invoice totals are incorrect but have a value. I have put xxx in there for privacy reasons.

IssueDate	Reference	Customer	Lines.Description	Lines.Account	Lines.TaxCode	Lines.Qty	Lines.Item	Lines.Amount	Lines.Debit	Lines.Credit	Lines.Discount	Lines.TrackingCode	Lines.ProposedAccountAmount	Lines.CustomFields	Lines.DiscountAmount	Lines.MemberAccount	Lines.BillableExpenseCustomer	Lines.Disbursement	Lines.Invoice	DueDate	AmountsIncludeTax	PurchaseOrderNumber	InvoiceSummary	SalesQuoteNumber	ConversionBalance	RoundingMethod	DueDateType	DueDateDays	LatePaymentFeesPercentage	TdsRate	WithholdingTaxType	WithholdingTaxAmount	WithholdingTax	Rounding	InventoryLocation	Discount	DiscountType	CustomTheme	Theme	EarlyPaymentDiscount	EarlyPaymentDiscountType	EarlyPaymentDiscountRate	EarlyPaymentDiscountAmount	EarlyPaymentDiscountDays	DocumentHeader	LatePaymentFees	HasCustomTitle	AutomaticReference	TotalAmountInWords	HideDueDate
1/10/2019	384900	XXXXX	Transactions Schedule	Sales	GST 10%	100	xxx-trx-07	100													N							14

Here’s how the invoice comes in:

At a guess the customer and account are specified by UUID, which is a unique pointer (shown as hexadecimal string) to the actual customer or account.

For the account you should be able to export other records containing the account (as there shouldn’t be too many of them).
For customer you would have to create them all first, then find a report you can export, match your external records then import into Manager with UUID not text names of customers.

Aha - so UUID might be the key? You probably have guessed the next question in how I can report that? I’m happy to do a matching exercise and import using the customer UUID instead. In fact, for any other of the fields not being imported properly. I’m not after exact invoice line by line history, rather a summary of the invoice details - amount - issue dates due dates etc - maybe even a balance. I’m sure that’s what most people doing conversions would want - just as a lookup for historical purposes.

Yes UUID is often called “key”

Your problems not to report the hexadecimal key, it is to find which key as been assigned to each account and customer.
When importing you just put the hexadecimal key data value in the account or customer field.

The UUID can be found by batch exporting data, or in some cased adding .json to the page url

I’m using the desktop version so I’m not able to see the URL and have no way within the version to get the UUID. I have however, been able to extract the UUID using SQLite and this has worked as you mentioned. So now just a matter of writing some SQL to extract what I need and batching it up. Thanks very much for the UUID information as a new user this was not obvious at all.

The desktop version runs as a web server and browser just the same as other versions (it is just packaged together). The post I linked to works as does opening another window in another web browser. The API does however require the server version.

Glad you found a solution though

Oh silly me - I suspected it was running in a browser but your example showed port 50084 (which didn’t work) however when I clip the URL locally it is http://localhost:62644. I didn’t think to right click and confirm the browser underneath!

This will be much easier then writing SQLite queries. BTW there is a small typo in your answer, should be adding “.json” to the URL not “.jason”

Corrected, thanks