Receipts & Payments listing. I need to be able to export the listing Including a column with the Account listed but cannot find any way to have that column displayed or exported. Does anyone have a Custom Report that would do the job or is there some way to add that column to the Receipts & Payments listing?
What exactly are you referring to? There is nothing called the “Receipts & Payments listing.” Unless you are years and many thousands of updates out of date, there is no Receipts & Payments tab. Those were separated long ago. And what is your purpose? There may a built-in report that satisfies it.
Yes, I was on ver 19 and I see it is now 21. Hardly “thousands of updates” is it?
What I am trying to do should be simple but I cannot seem to get it done. I need a report that lists the detail of each transaction, by date. I have no use for summary reports. The report must include 2 custom fields that I have added, the account, description, etc.
- The first group of digits is the year
- The second group of digits the month
- The last two digit a version for that month which frequently reaches 99
So you would have been over a thousand versions behind
You should update, then become familiar with all the new reports available before deciding you need something custom.
Tut, If you refer to the “new reports available” as those that come included with the downloaded software, there are none that fit the bill. Experimentation with those show that you cannot produce a detailed transaction report that includes custom fields. I’m sure that you know more about them than I, so how about pointing me in the right direction?
Let’s start from updating your current version 19 even though Manager uses 6 digit numbers such as 19.11.14 as @Patch rightly pointed out this is most likely a version from 2019 because version 21.11.19 is from 2021 but does not have Payments & Receipts in the same Tab as @Tut explained. Even then you are 71 versions behind because the current version right now is 21.11.98.
How about answering my question in post #2? Then I might be able to help.
Yeah, I did that when it was mentioned. Obviously, I’ve been using the program for a long time, just not the latest because it was not that critical. Now I need to do something unusual.
answered in post 5
So after updating create a General Ledger Transactions report. You can find this under the reports tab.
If it were that easy.
The closest I can come is a custom report, by date, from general ledger transactions, specifying what lines to include. It apparently does NOT allow the inclusion of custom fields from your entry forms. It also does not seem to be able to include information from the optional “Reference” column.
@Clueless-1, all you have done is complain about what the program will not do. But despite what you claim, you still have not told what your purpose for this report is, only that you want it to show details and custom fields. The point is, why do you want those things? Many capabilities of Manager are only revealed as new tabs are enabled and, in some cases, as entries are made in those tabs. So I’ll try one last time: what are you trying to accomplish with this report?