Copy of email sent to me

Hi there, I have just had to start sending my emails through manager due to outlook now requiring two factor authentication, which is fine, my problem is there is no longer the ability to send a copy of the email to myself as a physical check that the email has send.
This feature was very useful, can anyone let me know if I have missed something or is this not a feature any more?
Thanks for the help.

You can as instructed elsewhere use 2-factor authentication with the SMTP server see your reply at:



You need to setup the secret password with Microsoft and use that in stead of your normal email password.

Thanks for replying, I did originally do as you suggested and it seemed ok but when I logged inti Manager this week and tried to send an email it wouldn’t send so I changed so could send an invoice. I figured the password the authenticator only works once?

No it should work permanently but it may be a browser cache issue that keeps retaining your old password [It is even worse when you use a browsers password Manager or a separate one.].

Try another browser you did not use before wit Manager, login, delete the existing SMTP entry and create a new one with the Authenticator password and save. It should then work.

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Thanks again, before I attempt to change it if, besides sending a copy to myself, what are the advantages if one or the other server?

You can search the internet or the forum. I recently posted advantages of SMTP at:

Both systems have advantages and disadvantages and things in common. You already mentioned one thing you can not do with HTTP and you had a SMTP working recently that can do it. It really is a personal choice and preference.

Hi again, still having problems with this. I was using Hhtp but found any email I sent to outlook or hotmail never arrived but said sent. So then changed back to smtp and made new ap password but that didn’t work. I tried doing everything you said reg another server etc and it still won’t send. Any suggestions?