Contributing new country template

When creating new business in Manager, you can select Country which will bootstrap new business within the selected country.


This will automatically create Chart of Accounts for the target country, set base currency, date/number format, create tax codes, payslip items and supply country-specific reports and other country-specific extensions (compulsory QR codes, online submissions etc).

If your country is missing in the list, you can now contribute new country by uploading it to dedicated localization project at GitHub.

Here is step-by-step guide how to do it…

1. Create new business

In country field, do not select any country (we do not have the country you are creating anyway) and Business Name should be name of the country in your language.


2. Customize Chart of Accounts

Go to Chart of Accounts and remove/add accounts as required. If your country has pre-defined stadard account codes, you should use them. Remember, when users in the future will select your country, this Chart of Accounts will be automatically replicated in their new accounting file.


3. Set up base currency

It’s a good idea to go to Base Currency and set up base currency for the country you are creating. For example, many countries in Europe would have


4. Set up date, number & time format

Go to Date & Number Format and set up preferences common in your country. This way new users in your country do not have to set it up over and over again.


5. Tax codes, country-specific reports, custom fields, payslip items, extensions…

There is a lot more that can be done to improve the master business template for the country but let’s skip this for now.

6. Export your business to JSON

Go to Settings tab, then Extensions


And click Export button in bottom-right corner


This will generate JSON data for the business. Click Copy to Clipboard button.

7. Upload to GitHub

Go to our localization project at GitHub and click on your language for which your business template has been created. If your language is not yet listed, do not click on any language.

Then click Add File button in top-right corner, then Create new file.

This will reveal new file editor.


In the field Name your file... enter the name of your country in your language and in Edit new file section, paste JSON which you copied from Manager in the step 6.

Then fill out the form below and submit.

8. Done

Once you submit your file, we will merge it with the rest of the project and your country will appear as new option under Country field when creating new business.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please go to:

And create new topic there.