Some columns imported to excel for batch create and/or update are written in codes, even customers names in case of batch update for sales invoice are code and makes it very difficult to achieve the purpose, may be consider real text instead.
I also experience the same problem
Those are GUIDs, and are necessary to uniquely identify the various subaccounts. This subject has been discussed dozens of times on the forum. The developer has indicated long-term plans to allow plain-language entries, but that is a major software development.
is there a work around it ?
I face the same problem in 2023
The programmer has expressed a desire to do this however that has not been implemented yet. Doing so requires all user always use unique names, so achieving a smooth transition to such an implementation will be difficult.
In the interim use database lookup tools such as the vlookup() function in spreadsheets to convert from GUID to text names.
Hi Patch ,
Thanks for answering . I hope them luck
but couldnt the names&code put in seperated coloumns in the DB to facilitate it
( a suggestion for discussion as an ametuer programmer myself)
The SQLite database uses the keys to connect the different records. These keys are thus the unique identifier of each record. As @Patch explained this makes a smooth transition to another way more complicated. As an amateur programmer I would advise you to get a free application such as DB Browser for SQLite (Google it) and open a backup business file.
You will be able to study the structure, browse the data and thereby get a better understanding of the way keys work and why it will not be easy to change this without complications to ensure connectivity. You can also go to the SQLite homepage and forums that will also explain how the keys work and you could derive from this why we have Batch Update with existing keys and Batch Create that ensures unique key generation.
Thanks for the advice I will surely do that
Can it be considered as an improvement that when doing batch create and/or batch update, Line items will be per row line? Example, an invoice having 5 line items, in the excel it will be 5 row lines like below in excel.
Right now, it requires multiple sets of columns to create multiple line items - in this case 50columns at least just for the line details.