Change template printable dimensions

Hi there:

Is it any way to set printable template dimensions? Every time I’m going to print it is set tio A4 and we use Letter.

Thanks in advance

Under Settings - Email Settings you can select A4 or Letter, see if that assists.

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Hi @Brucanna, It works for sending the emails. But it doesn’t work for PDF download.

I think the paper size is determined by the PDF creator that is internal to Manager. Users can not make any adjustments.

The alternative is to print to a PDF creator that is installed as a printer in your system. Windows 10 has “Microsoft Print to PDF”. I believe that MAC’s also have a built in PDF creator. In the properties of the PDF printer/creator you can specify the paper size.

There are third party PDF printers like “Primo PDF” that also allow you to password protect the PDF document.

The alternative is to print to a PDF creator that is installed as a printer in your system. Windows 10 has “Microsoft Print to PDF”. I believe that MAC’s also have a built in PDF creator. In the properties of the PDF printer/creator you can specify the paper size.

Hi @dcVest:

I works for Desktop edition, but I have Cloud Edition now and I don’t print using the printing feature because of the anoying web URL header:

May be I should ask Manager Team to try to remove this header instead setting the PDF setting.

Are not those headers put there by your web browser? Check the print settings of your browser and see if you can turn-off headers and footers

I just tested and when clicking PDF button to generate PDF, it will be Letter size if Email settings is set to Letter.

This is your web-browser injecting the header. You can turn it off in your web-borwser. Manager doesn’t do this.

Thanks @lubos

You were right. I just find how to remove the header and footer doing the following procedure in Firefox:

I just put the link in case another person whant to do the same.