Can I extract cash flow report per division like the income statement
This report does not support divisions yet but it won’t be difficult to add it. Added to ideas
Are this issue solved ?
There is no benefit from asking for updates. The issue is in the ideas category and there is no specific time-frame for its adoption or resolution. Once progress is made or more viewpoints shared on the topic these will be posted here. Once implemented it will be communicated and removed from the Ideas category. Note it can take from a few weeks to years to do so (oldest topic in ideas category is from July 2017).
What should be discouraged is multiple topics on the same matter, not a follow-up on a promise. There is nothing wrong with seeking an update. Lubos acknowledged in December 2022 that adding it wouldn’t be difficult. It is now February 2025, and the user is simply asking what has changed or why it still hasnt been implemented.