Cash at Bank / Cash on Hand doesn't decrease on Payslip

I just have some concern regarding the Cash at Bank (CAB) / Cash on Hand (COH). I noticed that after the process of my Payslips, the remaining funds in CAB / COH doesn’t decrease its amount automatically. Because usually every transactions should be deducted on the selected account. Is it possible to put an account field in the Payslip Form / module which we will be able to select an account to where the payslip will be deducted?

Currently payslip will simply increase liability Employee clearing account which means another transaction is required to actually pay the employee.

Instead of making payslip directly affect cash accounts, how about I add button Pay employee on payslip view which would create pre-filled payment transaction?


Well I agree with that. That’s a great idea.
Please include a field that we are able to select which account do we intend to use.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Sir, is the issue has been updated already?

Thank you

First of all, I just discovered this software and it works perfectly for me

I am just wondering if the function to deduct the salary from an account been implemented. If not, what should I do to manually deduct from my corporate account? Key it manually by using “Spend money”?

The button will be really a shortcut to record spend money transaction faster. For now it needs to be recorded manually within appropriate tab.

Employee can be paid from Expense Claims, Cash Accounts or Bank Accounts tab based on where the funds to pay employee are coming from.

Is there any update on this, or a sensible work around?

I have tried creating a payslip, and then used Bank Account > Spend Money.

The money is then deducted from the bank account however then appears on my “Directors Renumeration” which is fine. However the payslip also appears on my DR which means the pay is doubled up…


How did you categorize spend money transaction? If you are paying employee, you need to categorize payment to Employee clearing account, then select an employee.