Can't change port in server edition

The latest release can not change port anymore, and it keep asking for backup file to import. Ver. 17.4.89

I cant just extract and paste the files to the existing anymore.

What described here is not working anymore. Windows

If you want to control the port, you will need to start ManagerServer.exe with two parameters.

ManagerServer.exe yourfile.manager 9999

Where yourfile.manager is path to Manager file you want the server to load and the next parameter is port number.

Thanks you should change the screenshot to new one also.

Just tried that… the port working but the file doesn’t work…
and when i tried to specify the file name by adding exact file name to the argument:
The server now started but when i login it doesn’t go anywhere…

what’s the point of change the way parameters work? isn’t that easier with the previous version?

jeffrez try update the user role via desktop version. i think it change the required id from name to email address. and click update

Iubos I’ve look into windows server edition post, When I Execute and point my browser through specific port, I didn’t see the new ui of creating new file or open existing file as per your post. is it still underdevelopment?

Else, The Manager Server works fine. V 17.4.89

how to do that? export backup file and then import to desktop version then reexport again for web server?

Hi Jeffrez,

I spent some time figuring it out and that’s what I had to do:

  1. Rollback server version back and export your company using backup to your desktop
    • If you cant try file other than 00000000000000000000000000000000.manager look at the size
    • 000000 was index file for companies and users you need biggest file
  2. Open using desktop application
  • In settings now you will see users
  • Create yourself new users, old users are gone as 0000 file is not in use anymore
  • Also check that you don’t have any employee with same email. I had to remove myself’s email from employee. There is bug that crashes server if you have employee sharing same email with user
  1. I f you start server edition without file name it it will ask to upload file or you upload file exported from desktop to server and use it as parameter.
  2. If you had multiple companies you will have to repeat steps for all of them and run multiple servers on different ports
  3. I did eventual rolled back to 17.3.20, because I don’t think it is finished, cloud edition is still on Manager 17.3.20 and I do hope multiple businesses eventually will be back.
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