Business database not valid

This business database is not valid how i resolve this problem

Install the latest version of Manager and import the file as a new business.

I reset my Windows yesterday, and all my data was deleted. After that, I used a recovery software to recover a file named “,” which is 1.5 MB in size. Then I installed a new version and tried to import the file, but I received an error saying, “This business database is not valid.”

Manager business files do not have but .manager extensions. So the file should have something like “phonejee1.manager". Also noticed that you use a url (weblink http://) which should not be there either.

I’m sending you the file that I recovered. Please check it and let me know if I can recover my data from it.
PhoneJee 1.manager (1.5 MB)

please check and please confirm me that my data is available in this file ?

please resolve the issue and read my perivous msg

They will get back to you on it. You just have to wait, we are not all in the same time zone.
Some maybe sleeping, or doing other things.

There is nothing to resolve. You already indicated lots wrongdoings so not sure why you expect any of us to know what this file is about. I tried to import it which it did because of the extension, but also got:

When exploring the file it is just empty and therefore will not be able to show anything because there are no data, despite the file being 1.4MB. It is empty. Maybe someone else can help but I am sorry not me.

The file you have uploaded is completely empty. Contains no data. Yes - it’s 1.5 MB in size but it’s all blank characters. When you zip the file, you will see it will shrink to a few bytes.

These file recovery tools know they didn’t recover anything. They just pretend they did.

Resetting Windows does not delete any data, unless you choose to do so

I assume you reset Windows because you had a computer problem.

Sounds like that problem was a faulty hardware which also caused loss of your Manager data file.

You will need to restore from backup, either of your Manager backup or of the source data