Business custom field label and value on sparated lines in pdf


we have custom fields in Business Details
If we creat Invoice, in the screen all correct - custom field label and field value is on the same line.
But on the PDF label and value are on the separated lines, this is not correct.

here is correct - from screen (all 4 lines at bottom)

screenshot from pdf:

screenshot fron custom theme code:

Best regards

Oh … I forgot to mention
Manager v 21.3.75 server Windows 64bit

Anyone? @Tut ? … @lubos ?
Manager v 21.3.83

You are responsible for performance of your custom themes. You should also be aware that Manager is not a what-you-see-is-what-you-get program. And screen views and PDFs are rendered by different engines. So they can produce different results. Often, different themes are necessary for screen view, PDF, and Print. Even then, you will find the PDF generator substitutes fonts (because of language translation issues).

But I would still like a solution to this problem.

This is only when I use the Manager PDF button
If I use the PRINT button and save with another PDF printer, everything is fine

Why manager PDF splits this to two lines?

I don’t think this has anything to do with the theme. It’s most likely has something to do with the text itself, maybe the place where you copied them placed extra special characters.

Either drop all of those custom field labels and values in a text editor that shows special characters or just type them in and see what happens.

Thank You @Ealfardan

But no special characters…
In html its look like this:


            <div><strong>Reg-kood</strong> 14265995</div>
            <div><strong>Pank</strong> SEB Pank AS</div>
            <div><strong>IBAN</strong> EE06 1010 2202 6232 3227</div>
            <div><strong>SWIFT</strong> EEUHEE2X</div>

@raivodc100, you (or your colleague @gunnar.michelson) have been reminded previously that themes are not written in HTML, but Liquid.

@Tut - i copyed this code using brauser DevTools, from source code. To check that we dont have any special characters

and code from theme:

                    <div>{{ business.address | newline_to_br }}</div>
                    {% for field in business.custom_fields %}
                    <div>{{ field.label }} {{ field.text }}</div>
                    {% endfor %}

That is not the code you showed in your first post.

You could try putting the information into one custom field rather than six custom fields

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Thanks @Joe91 and @Ealfardan !

Problem solved! I replaced <strong> to <b> and no problem anymore.
Seems that manager don´t like this <strong> thing very much…

Best regards :slight_smile:

Interesting, it seems like the PDF printer treats strong as a block element.