Hi. I have been creating a Custom Theme by taking the default theme code and making modifications. However, i am stuck with a silly problem for days now. What I try to achieve is, for same types of items in sales invoice instead of a line for each item, a single item line is shown in the pdf that shows the sums of quantities, price and amount of those lines. The problem is that Liquid language doesn’t have a direct function for adding a value of a variable to another variable. I have searched and found a solution many people on forum claim works.
{% assign res = res | plus: var1 %} . However, this line results in a syntax error in my case. “Liquid error: Number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.”
I think maybe some Libraries of Liquid are not included in Manager that’s why it doesn’t recognize this function? It is just a guess though.Anybody got an idea to solve this problem? Thanks!