Backup Error

For the past few days, I have been getting this error when i try backup my data. I need advice how to resolve this.

What version number of Manager are you running? It should be visible at the very bottom of the page.

Also, you mentioned that this has been happening “for the past few days”. Does this mean that you were able to download backups successfully a week ago? If so, I’m wondering if there were any changes made to your server in the past week that might have caused an issue.

I am using version 21.1.58.

Yes; i was able to backup my data about a week ago. I don’t recall making any change to my server.

You should update your software. You are several hundred versions behind during a time when many parts of the program are being restructured and fixes to restore old functions are a daily occurrence.

This error means your database is corrupted.

But since you are able to open the business, the corruption occurs in part of database which is not required when opening the business. This means corruption is likely in emails, history or attachments.

The best way to fix this is to use SQLite recover function. You will need to download sqlite3 command line tool from SQLite website

For example, on Windows, that would be sqlite3.exe which is included in this download:

Once you unzip downloaded file, copy sqlite3.exe to your Application Data folder.

Rename your corrupted business to just corrupted.manager and then run this command:

sqlite3 corrupted.manager “.recover” | sqlite3 new.manager

This will produce new file called new.manager which should be copy of your corrupted business with everything that could have been recovered.

Now this is all fairly complicated so in the future I’m planning to include sqlite3 command line tool in installation package of Manager and then Manager could be launching this command to repair database corruption directly without users doing all these steps themselves. It’s just that corrupting sqlite3 database is pretty difficult under normal circumstances so this kind of error is very rare.


I am now updated to version 21.5.32

I disabled the NSSM.exe code and the the error stopped. However, I had to resort to a back-up that was not to date, but I managed to plug in the updates, which was just a few.