Attached is an enhanced versions of
Single Touch Payroll Worksheet - Enhanced.manager (152 KB)
It adds
W1 includes all payslip earning items except ‘Exempt foreign employment income’ However due to Manager limitation this involves loosing drill down of W1
Support to multiple “Other allowance”. The ATO allows up to 4. In this localisation it is set by the hard coded constant “AllowanceOtherMax” but probably best set as a global custom field for the business (as changing it requires changes on the web site). The “Other allowance description” is taken from the “Payslip Earning Item” “Name”. Drill down on the amount is lost due to Manager group_by limitations. Note this addition enables the Worksheet to be used for Job keeper submissions.
Unused items are optionally hidden for each employee. Configured by the constant “showZero”
The reason I have not added it via How to implement country-specific report in Manager - #31 by lubos is
The localisation interface does not currently support drill down after “concat” / “or” operator or “group_by”, but later support for both had been hinted at.
I was not sure if loss of drill down on “W1” and “Allowance - Other” (for those who used it) out weighed the gain in correcting the error in “W1” for those who used Payslip earnings item of ‘ATO reporting category’ type other than “Gross payments” or required a specific ATO “Other allowance description”