Attaching non-image files for transactions

I want to simply be able to attach non-image files to transaction i.e. when creating a payment, receipt, it only allows me to attach image files not PDF for instance.

You can attach any kind of file you want

Select all files in the file type

Thanks Joe, I have done that as well, however when i attach it, it shows as a corrupted or non-readable file, can not even view it.


To attach a file of any type to for example an Invoice you need to attach it from the View screen if to be part of that Invoice when for example emailing it.

If you want to be able to look at an image in the Tab-list then you use as you did the image attachment in the edit screen of the invoice and these need to be either .png or .jpg files (real image files)

You can add it in the view screen

Thank you Eko, quite useful. it works right. where does the manager stores those files that i attach? i could not see it in the database folder file of manager, what if the file is deleted physically on the computer, would it affect the attachment?

Thank you Caccumdog, it works, found it. where does the manager stores those files that i attach? i could not see it in the database folder file of manager, what if the file is deleted physically on the computer, would it affect the attachment?

You can delete the original once it has been attached to a Manager document, try it.
I assume it is stored within Mangers database structure. I have not tried to reverse engineer it though.

That is correct. So the only way to remove it is as you advised and that is to go again to the view screen and remove it.

Thank you very much Patch

Thank you once again Eko for the support, much appreciated

@eko Iā€™d like to know:
for example, I create a purchase invoice and attache a copy(pdf/image) into that purchase invoice (view screen), seems the attachment too being attached into the database.
For some reason, I want to delete the purchase invoice. what I do now is: first delete the attachment and delete the transaction(purchase invoice)
My question is: if I delete the transaction with the attachment in it, will the attachment be deleted automatically? because once we delete the transaction, there will be no other way to find the attachment and delete it.
If the attachment left behind, It may unnecessarily contribute to the total data size of the company.

CORRECTION: NO, the attachment will NOT be deleted from the invoice, as long as it exists as an action in History.

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If you delete the payment/invoice you can still view the attachment by clicking the Attachment button on the top right of any screen (see screen shot below). Once the invoice/payment has been deleted the name of the attachment will disappear from the attachments screen though. In the attachment screen you can also view, delete or rename the attachment.

Play with it, you can always undo what you have tried using the history.

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Thank you @eko & @VACUUMDOG for giving more clear details regarding the attachments.