I noticed some users having problems with the App Image in Linux Ubuntu (and other distros) where the program may freeze when trying to enter data into a drop box. I am running linux mint and had a similar experience. I however found a solutions to the issue by using App Image launcher available at AppImageLauncher - Appimagehub.com.
Not sure how AppImageLauncher could make a difference. It shouldn’t.
Hi Lubos, I am not sure exactly how it works, but it seemed to work for me as I had the same problem of the App freezing and I could only continue after I closed manager. Now after installing the app launcher manager was integrated in the same way as any other app so I could add it to the panel. Now it seems to be working fine …so far.
I have been having very similar issues (Ubuntu 22.04) where Manager freezes (generally with entering Receipts and Payments) … installation was completed with AppImageLauncher and yet freezing apparent. The workaround to use the TAB key instead of Mouse has proven to continue to work when entering Receipts and Payments.
Same for Ubuntu 20.04 and other Linux distros that seem to suffer, I was wondering which desktop interface you installed such as Gnome and which version. Reason being as I do not suffer any problems with Server Edition on a Ubuntu 20.04 TLS on a VPS which obviously has no desktop interface installed and just uses the browser interfaces of the internet connected devices. As this seems to pertain to Desktop the troubleshooting should include the desktop interface being used hence the question.
For what it’s worth, I am using Kubuntu 22.04 and Kubuntu 20.04. Both use the KDE Plasma desktop environment which is Qt based - ie not GTK, and both work just fine.
As I use some GTK apps on the above installations, I also have both the Universe and Multiverse repo’s enabled, and I find that simply installing the following library packages allows things to work:-
(installing those will pull in a few ‘companions’ for good measure)
I have also found that the above works equally well when using Open Suse