And I do not know how to distribute the annual profits

I am the owner of the company and I do not know how to distribute the annual profits.
I have net earnings of 300,000 and retained earnings of 200,000
When distributing a percentage of the profits, do I calculate it on the retained earnings or from the net profit?
How do I distribute profits from Manger?

This is not a question for this forum but for your local accountant.

Mangers are made to facilitate the work of natural accountants, it is natural that I do not know everything

If there is an accountant, tell me the difference between them, and why the retained earnings are less than the net profit, and when distributing the profit, take a percentage of the retained earnings or from the net profit?
How does all this apply to Manger?

This does not apply to Manager. It is a basic accounting question. I am closing this topic.

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