which is typical for how I would get paid from Amazon (payment for order + deductions), the amount belonging to the expense account is treated as contra Income under Project
However, a custom report for the Project will report the amount as an expense under the expense account.
Shouldn’t Project also treat the amount as an expense if it belongs to an expense account? The current way would show Projects as having no expense because the income is the net of income + expense.
Not sure what the problem is. You put a -100 under electricity as part of a receipt, so in essence you paid 100 for electricity which is an expense account.
Yes, I did pay $100 for electricity. The question is shouldn’t this $100 show as an expense under Project Summary rather than negative $100 in income? The amount belongs to an expense account so I thought it should show under expense.
No, it may be an issue for your specific situation, but others like us, like the ability to adjust or correct entries using negative amounts in receipts. They help:
To adjust for customer overpayments or invoicing errors.
To reflect discounts or rebates given after the original sale.
To reverse incorrect entries while keeping a clear audit trail, and;
To account for returned or misrecorded stock or reverse a sale or purchase when goods are returned.
You can have negative figures in documents for countless reasons, like reversals, discounts, adjustments and other line calculations – as @eko already explained – and hence, this is a much needed feature and its benefits far outweigh any trivial teething problems experienced by users.