All businesses gone after update

Hello, I have just update Manager and all my businesses are now gone. I have updated the app multiple times in the past by simply replacing the old app with the new and everything was fine as the files just automatically transferred into the updated version which seemed logical so I stopped backing them up some time ago before updating since new releases come out quite often. This time everything was as usual only after opening the new Manager everything was gone. Roughly 6 months of work on multiple businesses, hundreds of transactions, invoices, journal entries, exchange rates, business restructuring…all gone. If anything can be done to resolve this issue please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated.

macOS Sonoma 14.4.1.
Manager Release:

I am not sure what the path should be since it was all working fine before. But the path folder is now empty.

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Yup, got so caught up in the moment that I somehow missed the solution above and went straight to the new topic.

Just in case, here’s the solution for macOS Sonoma 14.4.1. (Manager Release: Click “Change folder” in the manager, unhide the hidden folders by simultaneously pressing CMD + SHIFT + . (period/full stop) and follow the path: /Users/username/.local/share/Manager

Thank you for the help.

@Riyad I’m wondering how widespread is this issue. Manager should still recognize there is previous data at /Users/username/.local/share/Manager and automatically probe that directory.