Adding top buttons for faster workflow (suggestion)

When viewing an e.g. Sale-invoice your are coming usually from a Sales-invoices list. The order of that (custom sorted) list gives the order of the Next and Previous buttons. And if you are not coming from the Sales-invoices (custom sorted) list the next or previous will use the default order. Of course this is also applicable for the customer list, purchase invoices list etc.

Yet almost every other major accounting package uses that concept without any of your complexity issues.

Take any Manger entry form, it currently only offers “Create” for the initial form, which takes you to the View mode. However, if Manger offered “Create” and “Next”, then the user could go directly go to the “Next” data entry without needing to go via the View mode.

Next and Previous would only relate to transaction entries within the relevant tabs, not the list tabs and would use the widely accepted default - transaction date.

I agree with @uniquef, every transaction requires an annoying scroll down to the “Create” which a top button would eliminate but this is partly due to Manager wasting so much screen landscape which could so much more compact without affecting the simplicity.

View mode may suit those with very few entries, but for myself, I don’t need to validate my data entry via View mode.

However, I disagree that the “Export, Batch Create, Batch Delete” etc be at the top of form as they would / should be rarely used compared to transaction entries.

@Tut, once again you have set about to belittle a User 's contribution of suggested efficiency improvements because of your personal valuation of the suggestion, which is not your frequently declared role - I’m just another User.

I am going to add this topic to the Ideas category with regards to the primary Button suggestions, however, the distracting discussion into key shortcuts is not included.

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You can already do that with the dropdown list on the Create button, bypassing the View screen:


This thread drifts off to discuss Previous/Next.

The OP suggested Update / Delete being at the top.

I find the present placement intensely irritating, when the ‘update’ command is off screen at the bottom of a variable length page. It’s far too easy to exit a display, having made changes, without using ‘update’ However, it is also possible to exit say, an inter account transfer after miskeying data and the record updates with no button being pressed.


I understand the first opinion you expressed. But this second notion is not possible. If you enter data but do not click either Create or Update, no change is made to the database.

@lubos Would it be possible to add update and delete button at the top of input pages such as receipts/payments etc?

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Yes, this will be help as every time we have to scroll down to create or Delete.

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My opinion is that the biggest problem is not the placement of the buttons, but more the design of the view/edit screens used by Manager as well as wasted screen space. Manager is the only program that I have seen where you have to constantly scroll to the left/right all the time.

The cause is because the editing/view window is a window within a window - sort of like HTML Frames. What would be a better idea is when you open/edit say an invoice or any view/edit function is that it opens whole screen as you don’t need the LHS menu or top area when you are editing invoices or payments. it would also further simply the program in that you only see the buttons you need to actually view/edit the transaction.

This simple change would address most of the user frustrations and I suspect would actually negate the need or desire for buttons to be placed at the top.

Having said that, I fully agree with the logic of having next/previous buttons as well as this is a very standard concept in most programs that have a tabular format and the standard convention in all programs that I have seen is to go in order of date or as you see it in the sales invoices tab or payments tab.

So my recommendation would be to get rid of the frames within frames design view and to implement previous/next buttons which would complement the whole screen edit/view view!

I don’t know if you want to put my whole screen/edit view in a new Ideas Post but I think that it complements the OP#s post as the whole problem with having to scroll left/right up/down is due to the wasted space on the LHS and the top when in view/edit mode.

Instead there should be an short cut keys for

  1. Create
  2. Delete
  3. Update
  4. Next
  5. Previous

Also Short Cut keys are required for the Tabs on the very left of the screen.

The short cut suggestions has already been suggested and manager has told that they are working on this

I’ll request moderators to put this in #ideas list.


It is already there and has been for several days.

what @tut?

This topic is in the ideas category.

ok but I was talking about short cut keys and not top button.

Please restrict your comments to the subject of the thread. Otherwise, they will probably be ignored.

I am removing this from ideas and closing the topic for the following reasons:

  • The idea received no votes in two and a half years.
  • The principal subject (moving batch and secondary function buttons to the top) violates one of the main characteristics of the user interface.
  • The reason another moderator placed the topic into ideas excluded that suggestion, as well as some other diversions that crept into the discussion.
  • The portion of the suggestion that received the most discussion and support—previous and next buttons—was already implemented in a way that overcame obstacles related to it.

Users who wish to pursue any of these subjects further should start new threads.