Adding a checkmark in the bank reconciliation

It will be great if Manager can add a checkmark in the bank reconciliation so we can mark as cleared the transactions more quickly. I need to know in what month the transaction is cleared I don’t need exactly the specific date. The check mark can put the date as the last date of the month that the checkmark box is marked.


Hi @MHG, welcome to the forum.

Currently, you can only mark a transaction cleared using either manual edits one transaction at a time, or using Batch update.

I agree that there should be a faster, more user-friendly way to mark cleared bank transactions.

I think this could be a good idea and it might be based on the planned and enhanced Find & recode function.

I am placing this in ideas.

Thank you for your fast response. How can I do this now with the batch update?

Read the Guide: Use Batch Create and Batch Update functions | Manager.

I disagree with the notion of check marks to indicate reconciliation for two reasons:

  1. A check mark does not indicate anything has been reconciled against anything else. Even if not abused, it only indicates someone has opened a list and checked a box. Reconciliation requires comparison. Check boxes only require clicks. Reconciliation reports via Manager’s Bank Reconciliations tab provide the necessary comparison.

  2. In order to complete a meaningful reconciliation, a clearance date is required. Check boxes do not furnish this.


There are those who do weekly reconciliations or every 3 days.

A place to quickly change the cleared status of a transaction would be great but I think it will be good if that is added in the Reconciliation Screen.


No, but they can be a trigger for a pop up so we can enter a date.
Right now, if I have a discrepancy, I have to print out the bank statement and the manager bank reconciliation and check it off “old school”. That’s a lot of wasted paper! Some times you just have to check things off to find the duplicate or incorrect entry.

You don’t need to print anything, @donnamesker. You just need to follow through with the reconciliation process. It’s all internal to the program.

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I have followed the process and it did not indicate where the error was. I had to manually check each transaction to find the error. It would be nice to know what transactions were included in a past or current reconciliation report. If marked, you would have that information.

@Teresa, see my answer to your other post on this same topic.

@lubos Moneyspire has a really good reconciliation process that I don’t think would be hard for manager to implement.

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 12.16.49 PM

I fail to see what information that provides that Manager does not, simply by drilling down on the cleared balance figure in the Bank and Cash Accounts tab.

I’m sorry you feel that way but manager does not do it’s best at the reconciliation process and could be improved to make manager one of the best accounting programs out there. As I posted the other day it took me a little over two hours to figure out why the system couldn’t reconcile and it was all because of an incorrect date. Manager might be able to do a lot of things once you drill down into the program but if there are more efficient ways of doing something faster and easier would you not want that process.----this is just an idea for the developer that I don’t believe would be that hard to implement into manager.

How does a check mark help that process? Finding problems like the one you describe involves someone comparing entries in the program to some other form of source documentation. The source documentation certainly does not include check marks. Even if Manager provided the ability to check a box, that does not lessen the task of proactively scanning a list of transactions. The check box does not help discover errors. In fact, if you mistakenly check a box despite an error being present, you are more likely to overlook the actual error because you falsely believe you have verified something that is still wrong.

I’m not here to argue with you, I was giving the developers ideas to better the reconciliation process. The program I referenced Moneyspire I’ve been using for personal use for a few years now and compared to other programs it has one of the better processes for bank reconciliation. Mangers bank reconciliation can be improved and this is just an idea the developers could use. Just because you don’t see a benefit in it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have one. As you can see with the screen shots you can place a check mark when the transaction clears the bank and when it hasn’t it doesn’t have a check mark. When you reconcile the accounts the check mark turns to an R after being reconciled. When manager improves their reconciliation process it will be one of the top accounting programs.I have studied and tested manager for almost 5 months now and well aware of what manager can do.

Manager actually goes further, allowing you to enter the date of clearance, which is what moves a transaction from the Actual Balance to the Cleared Balance column in the transaction list.

yes it does, Well aware of this and how it works, the process is could be more efficient than it is which would make manager a better program. Again, I’m not going to and I’m not here to argue with you and looking at the request it seems there are more people that would like the reconciliation process to be improved than not. If you have something constructive to say regarding this topic please reply if you do not your replies are not needed. ----the program or way I was showing you places the date of cleared at the time the check mark is placed instead of having to go into each transaction and do it speeding up the time frame it takes to review several transactions.

To clarify it’s not just a check mark it serves a purpose, when there isn’t a check mark the transaction isn’t cleared, when there is a check mark the transaction is cleared and system takes the date and time the checkmark was placed. When you reconcile the account the check mark changes to an R showing the transaction has been included as part of the reconciliation process.