When paying invoice to supplier, there is an option to select certain invoice you are connection the payment to.
for me it is more important to see the amount, so can this be added to current fields?
To register advanced payment of a customer, we have to open a control account category. Then for every customer that makes advanced payments, we open a special account, within this control account, to keep track of their advance payment. When we issue an invoice, we transfer amount from this special account and close the invoice for the customer.
This way we have to create special accounts manually every, time, and keep them aligned constantly if some details change. Imagine the scenario, which we have with multiple companies, where they are both buyers and suppliers, and also give and receive advance payments? We have the same company in 4 places where we have to keep track of it all manually.
I read forums and previous requests to have same entity selected as both supplier and customer, which would make most sense to me, but in the mean time, could we select existing customer or supplier while creating special accounts? This would keep them linked and maintaned in one place.
Thanks for your reply. I will look deeper into discussions. Haven’t found the thread about item #1.
When it comes to #2, I know what I am talking about. We have an accounting team, also yearly audits for multiple companies in the group. Per our law, which is also in line with EU law, and per accounting standards, we cannot owe money to customers directly to their account (our case 202 Customers - Assets). There is separate Liabilities account (our case 430 Customer advance payments) which all of the money taken from customers for advanced payments goes to. This way you have a clear picture of Assets and Liabilities, and is in line with standards.
This is not the way the program is structured. Customers and suppliers are subsidiary ledgers under control accounts. By default, those control accounts are Accounts receivable and Accounts payable, respectively. You can change the control account to which a customer or supplier is assigned, but they cannot be assigned to more than one.
Special accounts are a separate type of thing. They are also assigned to control accounts as subsidiary ledgers. Special accounts can be set up to match customer and suppliers, but they cannot be customers or suppliers, because those are already subsidiary ledgers of other control accounts.
You described your request as something that could happen “in the mean time” and would keep them “linked and maintained in one place.” But what you want would require a fundamental change in the program’s design at its very core. That is not something that would happen while waiting on another major change (the ability to select an entity as both customer and supplier).
As for your statement that you have to keep track of everything manually, I cannot see why you would do that. Just give matching customers/suppliers and special accounts the same names. There is nothing else to keep track of.
Ok, I can accept your answer that this is hard to change. Let me give you a real world example why this would mean a lot to us, which means to many other people who do accounting per standards.
We have a customer, who is also a supplier. They (as customers) sometimes make advance payments for some goods to us. To them as suppliers we sometimes make advance payments for some goods. In some months, we have both of these situations. For advance payments goods are usually preordered, often waiting for import, which automatically means we need to give out Advance payment VAT invoice.
This means, and I kid you not, we have for just one company, 6 open accounts. 1 supplier, 1 customer, and 4 special accounts for advance payments given, received, VAT given, VAT received. For some customers, we have only 1 or 2 special accounts open. This requires a lot of checking and memorizing things, or additional excel files.
If this was all connected, I could open a customer/supplier, and the tree would look like this:
202 customer: 1.000
433 supplier: 1.200
430 customer advanced payment: 1.000
150 supplier advanced payment: 2.000
883 customer VAT advance payment: 210
893 supplier VAT advance payment: 420
We would have a clear picture on all accounts connected to the same entity.
This might be overkill but if you have many accounts which are kind of connected. Then you could create a division. Then assign this division to accounts that are meant to be grouped together.
Create divisional balance sheet. If you have multiple divisions, create comparative balance sheet containing all divisions you need to monitor. Then you can monitor these balances per division on single report.